Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 9 5/31/13 (Batteries, street soccer, dancing and Kelly’s)

Welcome to Friday! It’s 5 AM wake up already! After doing the normal routine, we had breakfast of B&R, cheese bread and eggs (?) don’t really recall. We went to school and we listened to a teacher-in-training from Managua. She told us all bout Nicaragua’s history and the civil wars and the healthcare system. She also told us about the cities and the people and how they hated William Walker because he was a flake and was killed in battle. Anyways, that was pretty interesting and was 30 minutes long. We didn’t have the reflection period as Alex had said we would, so basically we were released upon the town at 9:36 AM.

Shortly thereafter, some of us decided to go to the market and walked around for a while looking for ping pong balls, market things and AA batteries for me. I eventually found some batteries (some Maxwell batteries like Duracells) for my camera that was dead. I made the mistake of buying the 2 for 50 cordobas. Luckily it wasn’t a waste and the batteries worked, but another vendor had batteries for 10 cordobas -.- / / all the market stands. I’m good for batteries though. We also walked around the huge cathedral on the East side of town and saw this interesting depiction of someone from religion

After getting back we had lunch of mashed up meat, B&R, cheese and what I think was a quesadilla (Dan disagrees, but I’m a believer). It was good! Anyways after that I spent a ton of time writing my blog from yesterday and just chilling. Eventually I went to play some soccer with the group (Dan, Kasper, Kendal, Charlotte, Matt, Matt, Ray and others). We had to play on the sidewalk close to one of the cathedrals because although there was a nice grassy area, we weren’t allowed to play on it. Soccer was pretty fun as we were playing 4 v. 4 and doing pretty well and scoring goals etc. We didn’t have teams as much as just subs that would switch in for people that were tired. Other people were playing Frisbee too. After soccer we all split to head home and grab a shower. I then headed to the Euro café with Hannah and blogged for a bit (boring blogging I suppose). I can back, had the typical dinner (B&R, cheese and this pulled meat thing). After dinner Dan and I played some chess with Salvador Jr. and I continue to be awful at chess. We politely asked to borrow Salvador Jr’s key because we wanted to go out to hang with some others in town at like 9 PM.

Town was awesome! First off we started at a bar and had a round of drinks (a coke for me). I kept doing stupid things like making paper stick to my face (don’t really even remember why), making a mask, building a tower of menus etc. We wanted to go to a Salsa dance further down Calle Calzada, but some still hadn’t paid the check went we went to leave and the staff yelled at Mark Chee to yell at us and have us pay (I had paid). We the checked out this Salsa bar, but it cost 30 cordobas to get in and we decided to go to Kelly’s (a dance/rave bar that I had wanted to go to all week). The group was heading for Kelly’s and I was trailing behind and got talking to this dude on the street named Frank Alberto (or something like that). He smelled strongly of alcohol and had a drink in his hand. He and I were talking about a ton of stuff (at one point he tried to sell me weed). He was also telling me his life story and how he works as a construction worker repairing work and concrete on buildings. He was also saying that his last name is Italian and that he has family in Baja California. He was also talking to me about how he loves to read and write and how some of the population can’t do that. He also explained to me that “homosapien” means “thinking man.” He was also talking about how I could talk to him. At this point, we had walked most of Calle Calzada and the group had gone to Kelly’s while I had been talking to Frank (who kept showing me his ID card for some reason) a bit away because I wanted to keep him from following us to the bar. Later Mark and Kendall came back to check on me and tell me the group was angry/worried about my safety and where I was (so I told them I would finish talking to Frank). Frank really wanted me to buy him a drink, but I wasn’t going to and I had to eventually break off the conversation and go to Kelly’s.

Kelly’s was not nearly as sketchy as we had thought. It was more of a Gringo bar with dancing and a DJ at one end and tables and smoking areas in the back. It was thumping when we got there at like 11:30 PM. We stayed at Kelly’s until like 1 AM and it was epic. I had so much fun dancing to the music (the music was similar to Robo Prom-esque music for those in FIRST robotics or the Frick Family). Basically just shuffled and bebop-ed my way through the entire night and managed to soak through my entire shirt as is normal for me. We stayed until about 1 AM and I had fun throwing down some cool moves like walking on my knees and a handstand.

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