Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 30 6/21/13 (Managua’s Lenin Fonseca hospital, a custom panel board for an ESU (I didn’t build it), more baked goods, no clubbing and still waiting)

            Today was another hospital visit (this time to the Lenin Fonseca ER/OR specialty hospital in Managua). We had a quick breakfast of sandwiches (ham and cheese and mustard on 2 hot dog buns put together (two of these made up breakfast)). These were actually better than I thought they would be. We quickly shuffled off to the school to meet the group and head to Managua. We had the same bus as the time going to Rivas, but this time we had an extra bus that could seat at least 10 people in the back, so we weren’t cramped into the one bus. The drive was actually quite long (it seemed to take almost an hour and a half in the bus this time, although I got a decent amount of napping in on the way there. The hospital was actually pretty nice (and was more or less enclosed too, with rooms and what not and not open causeways). We travelled into this conference room with AC (actually a tick on the cold side for a change) and basically stayed there and worked a bit on an ESU that wasn’t working and an ECG. The ECG had some wires that were funked I think and the ESU had broken tactswiches in the front panel (where someone had actually done a nice job of replacing the front panel’s switches with a custom built tactswitch board. We also got a “tour” around and looked at some of the different wards (mainly the x-ray place, the MRI machine, the CT scan machine and then the dialysis room (with like 8 dialysis machines (this room was the nicest and cleanest room I’ve seen in any hospital down here and it looked actually decently sanitary as well))). After the tour the smaller group went back to the conference room to look more at the machines while the other group went out on “tour.” The previous group (ones not on tour) had taken the custom panel buttons out and we could see the connections and layout (someone with quite a bit of patience and knowledge of ECE put that board together, but the tactswitches were old and not making solid connections). Anyways that was the not functioning ESU. Not too long after that we left the hospital back for Granada at like 12:30 PM (it was not all that exciting in the hospital as we had done quite a bit of waiting for relatively little being accomplished). The bus ride back was even better because I had two seats in the back to myself and could stretch out and sleep a bit. Back at home Dan and I missed lunch so we had to buy baked goods from the local bakery (I bought those same apple cinnamon jawns (2 of ‘em) and this new cheese bake for 20 cord total) (which was a tasty and not super filling lunch. I haven’t had much energy today so it has been just chilling on the internet and watching videos and music. Nap time though and maybe a baseball game later!

            After a dinner of cheese, gallo pinto and bread, Dan, Salvador Jr. and I headed to the stadium to watch the game between Leon’s baseball team and Granada’s team. It was actually pretty legit! We arrived in the 4th inning and Granada was up by 2 (to Leon’s 0 points). A few innings later one of Granada’s players hit a homerun and another scored a run, so Granada was up by 4. They continued holding off Leon and ended the game with a score of 4-0. Shut down! Leon was supposed to be huge into baseball too! Although Granada is just that good. It was an interesting experience for only 30 Cordobas and I got to watch the people trying to catch many of the foul balls that ended up in the parking lot (probably at least 3 or 4). It was also like the States with vendors walking around selling drinks and snacks. It was kinda fun as I got to talk to Salvador Jr. a bit and chillax at the game. Not a huge baseball fan. Some others were there too (from EWH and had their own sort of sectioned off area for watching and drinking). Fun times over there. Anyways I thought I would go clubbing, but I didn’t have the energy (at like 9 PM). I then spent the next 3.5 hours wasting time on the internet enjoying more or less every second of it. I’m presently at 12:32 AM still waiting for Dan to return so I can finally go to bed. Dunno when he’ll be coming back.

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