Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 28 6/19/13 (Guin's birthday, the conditional tense, DIY lunch, mircotomes and baby incubator alarms!)

                Today started off with scrambled eggs and really good gallo pinto. Today is also Guin’s birthday, so I have to finish something for her, but should be able to do that later today. It’s crazy we only 7 days until we leave for San Carlos. It feels like I’ve just gotten to Granada and haven’t had all that much time to do anything. Additionally only 4 days of Spanish class and 3 equipment lectures are the final learning to be done before San Carlos (not to mention all that I will learn there). Class today was actually pretty sick! We spent conversation working on verbs and writing sentences using the past perfect and future perfect in the tú and vos forms. The snacks were good and grammar was covering the uses of the conditional (future hypothetical situations, past probabilities, doubts in the past etc). We also talked a bit about the different of hypothetical situations and real situations (many of which seemed to involve bad relationships for some reason). Anyways lunch today was DIY (the homestay for whatever reason couldn’t deliver the food until way late at like 1 PM (when we have Ron’s lecture), so we just said we could grab our own food. Dan and I headed out to Tip Top chicken near the central park. Down here Tip Top chicken is a fast food restaurant that serves (any guesses?): chicken (like a KFC). Anyways I ordered a chicken sandwich (like on a burger bun) and not only did it take almost 25 minutes to make, but the guy making the sandwich had to ask one of the other women workers how to make a sandwich and she told him the buns and then the chicken and lettuce on top with the sauce. Guess they must not have that many orders for that. Anyways it was a good sandwich. After lunch we covered stirrers (magnetic etc), hotplates and microtomes (basically really small versions of those meat slicing machines at the deli for cutting 1 to 10 µm of flesh for a sample on a microscope slide). After that we had a lab using the PIC microprocessor to build an infant incubator alarm that has a thermistor to sense the temperature and output an alarm when the temp gets too high (about 39 degrees C (102.2 degrees F)). We had calibrated the alarm by putting it in a bag and then putting the bag in cold and warm water baths. After that we tested the device and then headed home. We had these friggin epic hamburgers for dinner! Seriously there were like a big mac, but better! We also played a bit of street soccer and then basically just chilled.

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