Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 39 6/30/13 (Chilling, soccer, Wanted, The Fly in the Cathedral and more soccer)

Today has been probably the most chill day that I’ve had in all of my time in Nicaragua. The day started pretty late at like 8 AM after trying to sleep ion a bit. I wasn’t really feeling all that well, so the day seemed to be really long, but I still had a good time. The morning brought forth a fantastic omelet with cheese and ham (always ham, not any other meat). After that I pretty much just puttered around on the internet for a while reading all about different projects to build (everything from alarms using 555 timers to robotic sensors and robot parts to coding contests and projects to buy into online). This further reinforced how much I have to do. Also I started watching Wanted with that dude from The Last King of Scotland and Angelina Jolie in it. The movie was a good action movie (with a quite a high body count, but it makes sense for that type of movie plot). In between watching that and looking a bit at projects I was able to watch the soccer match between Italy and Hungary. It was a long match that went into penalty kicks, but Italy ended up winning the match by 1 penalty kick (3-2). This was to decide places 3 and 4 in the confederation cup. After this I read the first 70 or so pages of the book The Fly in the Cathedral about the race to split an atom (the first part is about Rutherford (who seemed to be quite the character) and the other scientists at Cavendish labs in England). After that I started watching the finals match between Brazil and Spain. Brazil, despite having less ball control percentage during the match, was quite the team to watch as they ended up scoring 3 solid goals against Spain (Spain wasn’t even able to score). The match was also good because Spain got 2 yellows and a red card (the red card was to eject Péque (Shakira’s husband) from the match for tripping the Brazilian striker as he was breaking away for the goal). After this we’ve been chilling after a solid dinner of grilled beef, B&R, a small salad and like plantain thick chips and some tea. Looking forward to tomorrow and hoping that we’ll have some more (any) work to do for the hospital (also tomorrow will be the start of our inventory and meeting the director (and Alex will be visiting as well)). Peace!

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