Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 26 6/17/13 (Getting the broken bike fixed, running to the ferry, trying to avoid heat exhaustion and much traveling, finally back in Granada and away from Ometepe)

This day was a lot more chill then yesterday (save for the slight stress with trying to leave on the ferry). Anyways I woke up and headed to the bike rental guy’s resort. He was ready and we walked around the corner and to the bike shop which was more like an open air garage with a roof. Anyways the guy came out and started taking the bike apart. At first the owner of the bike wanted to charge me $13 for everything. The bike dude took the handlebars out of the steering column and showed us that they were completely broken 360 degrees around (so no contact with the front forks…glad I was hauling down those hills). Anyways I asked how much the parts were and the dude said the pedal was 130 Cord and the steering column was 60 Cord (making for how much? 190 Cord or slightly less than $8) (the owner asked if the handlebars could be welded…gosh dang that’s not a great idea). Anyways I offered the owner $10 (250 Cord) and he agreed and I left by 8:16 AM (I told him that was covering parts and insuring “loss” in renting the bike). Happy. He was buying the seat. He had asked me if I tried to jump it and I was kinda like not really, but it was kinda unavoidable on some parts with speed bumps and this one road to a beach resort. Anyways I headed back to the hotel to chill for a while and write and workout and shower. I had lunch at the Corner House (one of those gnarly steak and caramelized onion sandwiches and good potatos). I also bought another one of those good cheese things. Back at the hostel I waited for Alex, but he called me and told me to pack his things as he was off at the punta Santa Maria or something with Dan and Sarah. I grabbed the stuff and rushed to pier where he met me basically a minute or two before the 11:30 AM ferry left. We made it and chilled with some others from EWH on the way back. I had not gotten a chance to say goodbye to Bob as I said I would. Anyways the ferry back was pretty chill as I sat in an old tire and took a nap with my Cars towel trying to protect me from the sun. The buses back were chill as well (although trying to find a bus from Rivas to Granada was a pain as no one bus was leaving anytime close to when we wanted to leave. We got on one to Managua, but a bus rolled in before we left and we swapped buses and ended up waiting for like 30 minutes on the other bus. The ride back wasn’t all that bad and I got back tired and hungry. It was a solid day and a fantastic weekend. So glad everything had worked out and I was well behind on my blogging -.- // internet writing (just can’t keep y’all happy all the time can I?). Anyways it was good and I was ready to get back to Granada and not have to spend any more money.

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