Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I'm really sorry folks for not getting the past weekend's events up on this blog. I've become incredibly busy with the final days of class and whatnot. I promise I will get the blog up eventually (and it will be worth it). Until then please be appeased slightly by these photos:

Half of the famous political mural in León (showing Sandino crushing Uncle Sam despite the bombings in the North (his hat))

The other half of the political mural in León (showing Sandino and Democracy crushing Samosa the dictator)

Not quite the Nittany Lion in the square in León in front of the main cathedral

Some graffiti art on one of the buildings (not sure what Bush the artist is describing)

The same mural with the enemy of humanity part attached as well (O.o)

The view from the top of the Telica Volcano near León on the midnight super moon hike I went on with Kasper and Evan and the Quetzal Trekkers (probably around 3 AM)
The crater of Telica (probably around 4 AM)

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