Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fotos en Nicaragua

The repochete that we had for dinner two nights now. So good! It’s like two tortillas containing the gallo pinto and the chicken.

A reduced cost wheel chair project for developing hospitals. Nifty idea! Also comfortable to the max!


Nap time for some doggies at Rivas (strays?)


Nap time is over!


Stray cat just chillin’ and looking for friends


Sorry I scared you from rolling in the outer travel path!


Can you come back soon please?


Replacing the power cord on the cordless ultrasound machine at the Granada hospital


Hardly working on the ultrasound machine


Photobombed by Mark Kate (not a selfie)


The finished ultrasound machine


The wind farm at Rivas


A tourist on the ferry gazing longingly at Concepción


Epic looking play toys for tiny tots in the park on the end of the main street in Moyogalpa


The tree is hugging the bench


Partially to Flat Tires del Sur!


Three of the crew at the American on Ometepe (Mark clearly having the most fun)

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