Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 36 6/27/13 (Waking up late, a late bus departure time, Spain vs. Italy soccer, napping across 4 seats in a micro-bus, arriving in San Carlos after 9 hours of leaving (including lunch) and completing our first fix)

Today was okay. After the initial problems early in the morning from yesterday, I woke up around like 7:50 AM to finish packing and eat breakfast (initially the plan had been to leave at around 9 AM), but I’m not sure how I imagined I could pack, shower and eat and get to the school in about 30 minutes, but aw well. It turned out later that due to Lucas’ condition, Alex and he were off at the hospital and thus the leaving of the buses was pushed back by about an hour or so. This was relieving but I would have much rather had the 9 AM leave time and Lucas have been okay. Anyways I tried to eat breakfast, but all I could manage was the gallo pinto as I felt sick (and still don’t feel all that great). After that we said our goodbyes to the family and headed for the school. The walk seemed to take forever, but we made it there around like 9:30 AM and met the others there, who were anxious to hear about last night. I also went on a quest to find some Canada Dry for my stomach (and succeeded at the good old Euro Café). After that it was just waiting for Lucas and Alex to return followed up by the buses arriving. After that we only packed like 10 people into the bus for San Carlos route (including that woman named Sarah from Moyogalpa during my biking experience two weekends ago). The ride was supposed to take 9 hours from Granada as we had to drop off Akshay, Matt, Mark and Karthik in different towns. It was a decent ride save for the fact that I didn’t really feel all that well (but I could nap across the entire backseat, so that made up for it). We eventually stopped for lunch at the homestay of Matt and Akshay (a pizza restaurant) and watched the conclusion of the game between Italy and Spain in the trial run for the world cup. The game went for 120 minutes (two 15 minute overtime sessions (as the score was 0-0) and then went into penalty kicks). The first 5 kickers from both teams scored without issue and the score was 5-5. Then it went to other shooters and it was 6-6 when a player from Italy missed a goal and then Spain scored and won 7-6. It was a crazy game. Anyways lunch had been Hawaiian pizza which was actually legit. After leaving at like 4:20 PM (we had another 2 hours or so to San Carlos) I passed out for a while and then woke up for a bit before the police stopped us and checked our passports (trying to get a bit of extra money), but we rolled on after that minor hiccup and I was finally able to catch up on my blogging. Whew. So much writing. Anyways we arrived in San Carlos at like 7 PM so it ended up being a good like 9 hours of travelling. Our first challenge was to get rid of this browser hijacking page called qvo6 which takes over the browser homepage instead of something usable like Google. Anyways we had to change this on the homestay dad’s computer and changed all the settings in the browser (using googled tutorials), but the page kept showing up until I changed the shortcut properties (which had a line in it to direct to the qvo6 homepage). Now we’re plus 1 for fixes. After that we had a quick dinner and chilled a bit. Been a long day, but I’m satisfied now and have to get ready for bed as I need to work in the hospital at 8 AM tomorrow (we’ll see how that goes!) So stoked! Peace!

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