Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Working alone photos for 3 days

That danged corroded cord

Before cleaning the neb from Los Chiles

Cleaned base of that jawn!

Orange drank in a bag

Looks like they took the radiator (leaking one) out of the generator at the hospital

Getting a work train dropped on me at the clinic

That Doppler working after I changed the battery PWM connectors and sealing it up

Rigo's work cleaning the whack a mole counter board (it looks beautiful)

Fixed sphyg gauge

The label says "cabinet may only be removed by a qualified Sunrise dealer..." well. um. This is awkward

Look at that plug I fixed (had to cut it open resolder it, then melt it, tape it and then epoxy it)

Fixed lamp cord with 2 strain reliefs

Cake!? I bought to finish the day

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