Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 53 7/14/13 (Waiting on doctors, chilling at the hospital)

As a continuation from yesterday I woke up at 5:30 AM and headed to the hospital (arriving at like 5:50 AM). Dan was asleep when I got there and woke up and we talked for a couple of minutes. He said he wasn’t really feeling any better, but also that they had already performed the test and 8 o’clock the doctor would be there. So I asked if I could head back to the hostel to grab a half hour more of sleep and left. I was back at the hospital at like 7:45 AM with Matt, but the doctor never showed up (or at least not until much later and never really said anything about Dan except that he has to stay at the hospital for several more days (it was possible that Dan could return home, but that’s not happening. Anyways so we stayed for a while until like 9 ish when Sol showed up to watch Dan and Matt and I headed back to get some breakfast (nacatamal and bread and milk) while she stayed there. After that Matt packed up and I showed him the bus station (good idea to get the heck out of San Carlos while possible) and I grabbed my gear for the hospital and headed there after recharging my phone (so now I can finally send messages and call folks if I need to). Anyways since then I’ve been chilling at the hospital and writing. Dang it’s been quite the weekend. Since leaving for the Castillo it basically was anything but what we expected. Dan having Dengue is bad (the symptoms just showed up yesterday, which means that he was probably bitten back on Wednesday or so and I am hoping that I wasn’t during that time, although we’ll see). Right now it’s 12 PM and the main doctor has still not really shown up that was supposed to show up at 10 AM, but I’ve been here since like 10:30 AM. All of the techs here are trying to help out as much as possible (Popo was here early this morning and turned the AC off as it was really flippin’ cold in the ER and Marlon gave Dan some powerade for later and Flaco hopes Dan feels better (as everyone does)). The worst part about all of this is that there’s basically nothing more we can do except wait. Dengue is one of those where the patient has to wait it out. It’s also not contagious through breathing etc (only through a mosquito bite (so back the futz off, stupid ‘sqeeters)). Hope Dan gets feeling better soon.

The next couple of hours passed more or less the same (with me just chilling at the hospital and Dan occasionally getting some sleep. I had to answer a few more calls from people (ISOS and Ace and Dan’s mother, but it was fine). I pretty much chilled at the hospital all day until like 7:15 PM when Kevin arrived (despite for taking a 40 minute lunch to grab some other things from home). Dan was also moved to a more secluded room with AC and 4 beds all covered with mosquito nets. This seems to be a Dengue room as at least 2 of the other guys in there also have Dengue. Kevin and I tried to go back and check on him, but we couldn’t as it was late and the room was all dark. We’ll be heading there early tomorrow morning.

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