Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 58 7/19/13 (A slow day and testing some O2 Concentrators)

Today has been a nice slow and chill day. Started at like 9:30 (slept in because today is Nicaragua’s Independence Day. Had a good breakfast and have been blogging all morning.  Played a bit of KF too with Cara from WPI. So that was epic! Kevin and I went out to the same pizza place to get some lunch and we both had banana smoothies with milk and we also split this good salad with thousand island dressing and chicken chunks and a chicken pizza with cheese in and on the crust (so deslish). After that we headed off to the hospital to test out some oxygen concentrators. We got the one out of the pediatric ward and got ready to test it, but asked the staff for some tubing to hook it up to the testing device from Tulane University group. After that we were all set to try the concentrator on the 220V in a room in the pediatric ward, but there was no 220V in the room (only like 0.5V AC). So we then moved to the lab with 220V and 110V for the device. Testing was easy, just plug in the machine and device, hook up the tubing and wait for the final highest O2 output from the machine. We tested five machines and got the highest rating at 85% O2 according to the device. One of the 5 machines we tested wouldn’t even hold the concentration high enough for the device to measure (the internal compressor would kick on run for a bit and then die (another project)). Anyways we did the testing and filled out the forms (for the Tulane group) and then Kevin and I headed home (Dan had stayed home to rest more). That was about the height of excitement on Independence Day down here.

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