Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 56 7/17/13 (A big meh/angst day, re-making a plug, worst life choice of my entire trip (disassembling a centrifuge), a hole in a BP cuff, literally looking at autoclaves for problems and CAKE!)

Today was an okay/meh day. The morning seemed to be super early (probably because I wasn’t able to sleep until the 6:50 AM alarm I had, but rather just woke up early and tried my best to nap until that time. I got up, had breakfast, typed a bit and headed off to the hospital with Kevin and talked to Dan and then went to work. Dan seemed to be doing about the same as yesterday (maybe 65%?) and seemed to be getting better. This morning I worked on that lamp again (and after cutting a ton of cable off I realized the problem was in the plug -.-// danged plug). I then carefully (more or less) opened up the side of the plug and pulled out the lead that was bad (and resoldered the wire into the prong). This sounds easier than it was, but I eventually got it back in there and melted it somewhat in place with the soldering iron and then electrical taped that shiznit. I also spliced in more of the original cord (as I had cut it looking for the open part) and made 2 interesting strain relief joints (with insulation from a 3 wire cable) acting as my heat shrink (just sitting around the solder joint nice and tightly). After all of that was done, the lamp actually worked! BAM! Semi-fix, because that plug is not factory, but whatever. I also epoxied all the 3 wire insulation ends (to seal the solder and prevent it from being shorted). I also did this to the plug (this seemed to take forever to dry). I also worked on one of the nebulizer compressors that one of the nurses brought back saying it wasn’t working. I worked on the unit by plugging it in and turning it on and it worked (the best flow of any neb I’ve seen too). So I don’t know what was wrong with that one (besides the pressure being a bit high because the regulator was fully tightened). Anyways maybe the mask is bad (they seem to be finicky). I then worked on all the nebs again and tried the different connectors and what not (and the nebs all seem to be working with some flow rate) (the one from Los Chiles is a tad low in flow, but I think that means it’s time for a new one (unless they want an air compressor one capable of garage work with a mask on it (something along those lines anyway))). I think the neb from Los Chiles needs a new air output cone thing as it seems clogged. I then had the absolutely brilliant idea of opening up and taking apart the working centrifuge to check from diodes etc (someone please tell me before I do that next time). Basically this turned into one of the most frustrating things I’ve ever done as first it was a pain in the neck to take apart with tons of screws, but then trying to put it back together was so frustrating (especially trying to get the pneumatic cylinder back on the bottom). URgh. My lunch was also during this time which further added to the frustration of this centrifuge. I had another drink in a bag and managed to spill it all over my Gatorade bottle (so much for the suave time from yesterday) and this made lunch great while I was eating and questioning my ability to work on equipment. Anyways I managed to get everything back together but the friggin door lock (the one that is supposed to hold that door shut unless the button is pressed or this cable is pulled will no longer work like that. It barely locks and then pulls out at the slightest force upward on the door. UNACCEPTABLE FAILURE. Gosh dang if I could take back one action today it would be that. Still have not managed to do anything about it and it’s still sitting with the front off of the centrifuge just taunting me. Hate my life choice right there. Well hopefully tomorrow can be better for it right? It has to be for that I hope. Also I got the lamp put back in the stand (which was immensely taxing (like basically pushing the telescoping base into the lamp holder with like no force)). I worked a bit on the castors which seem to be shot too. Anyways I also worked on this BP cuff and found out it has a hole in the cuff that I can’t mend (new BP cuff), but if I hold the hole I can get the pressure up nice and high (still waiting for blood to flow in my left arm again). I also futzed around with a sphyg gauge and got it working again (not really sure what was wrong with it, just seemed to be stuck and needed opening and closing). I tried the old centrifuge that was supposed to be knocking test tubes against the walls, but it works (when balanced properly), although the timer was 18 minutes slow for a 30 minute time (it’s set for Nicaraguan time). This centrifuge also seems to be from like 1920 judging by the rust on the under part and the base assembly. I shifted over the autoclaves and tried each one (one is a 220V so that can’t fully be tested) and the others seem to power on somewhat (although one has this wicked sketch reset button (probably keeping it from working maybe?)) and tomorrow I’ll do some more extensive testing. I clocked out at 4:30 and headed to the hospital. I saw my two host sisters and my host cousin there and chatted with Dan a bit (who seems to be doing a tad better 70%?) and then I left for the bakery to get a much needed energy boost (I bought this slice of good layer cake for 15 Cordobas and got back and chilled at the hostel since then. Going to bed early tonight. Need more sleep. 

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