Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More photos!

2440 Cordobas ($100). Enough to buy just about whatever here (except for getting into certain shoes more expensive and some phones)
A local family’s dog avoiding the heat
The oldest house in the city (and some say it’s haunted too O.o)
Some interesting architecture on the street of my homestay (also for protection)
No explanation needed.
An unknown figure outside of Masaya Volcano. Maybe the first park ranger?
Mark grabbing a photo of the cross from the 1500s on top of the Masaya Volcano. Unfortunately we couldn’t climb the steps to the cross because of seismic activity and the cross being too unstable.
Dan and I at el Volcán Masaya (at the crater at the top). Wearing my letters with pride!
The logo of the Margarita Bar (that has been mentioned frequently on this blog). There is another sign in the bar that is much better, but I will have to grab a picture of it later
Found el Flat Tires del Sur! Naw maybe this could be a good yard-find for someone looking for a project (probably would be pretty cheap too)!
Expectations: White sandy beach with crystal blue water and palm trees. Reality as can be seen above. Realistically this is the beachfront located right at the end of town where the pollution from town probably hurts the beach quite a bit (in Managua at the resorts the beaches looked just like those expectations). Evan, Kasper Dan and Akshay all talking about the beach too
A Mother’s Day celebration on el Calle Calzada
A (stray?) dog in the park outside the language school. I would adopt him, but customs probably wouldn’t let me bring him into the US without a plethora of shots
The entrance to Lake Nicaragua from the loading zone of the shore
 The other part of the tour with everyone just chilling on the way to the fort (The Atlantis group)
The cannon outside of the fort on one island in Lake Nicaragua. Ready to fire or at least ready to break shins as a tripping hazard save for it not being on the path. The tour guide lay down a challenge that if any person could life the cannon body even 1 cm that the strong person would not have to pay for the tour. Nobody that tried could lift it (and no one ever has the tour guide said). Two people can lift it however.
The group after conquering the fort. Evan checking for the sound of cannon fire and hostile troops.
The steeps…I mean steps from the ground level to the top of the fort. Approximately 10 inches deep by 8 inches high
The inside of the cannon at the fort on one of the islands in Lake Nicaragua. This was between cannon salvos at the approaching tour boats
Just hanging around. Chilling. He wishes that he could get onboard and get food.
Looks like the monkey dropped something O.o He could suddenly lash out and take your Ray Bans, so watch out. Naw this monkey is nice for a monkey.

Just a light snack for the monkey that boarded our boat. A ripe avocado that I gave him. This was when we were touring the isletas (small islands) in Lake Nicaragua.
The tour guide feeding the parrot
The parrot just chilling before getting some food
The OTGC feeding the same parrot
One of the more ambitious members of the group feeding the parrot on the isleta that had the Pirate Bar
The smallest Ping Pong paddle ever
The “Pirates” group on the tour of the isletas of Lake Nicaragua


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