had been a slow day. Literally woke up in intervals until about 10 AM then took
a shower and had a late breakfast at like 10:30 AM. Basically chilled and did
internet type things for another 2 hours before we decided to check out El
Castillo on the Río San Juan, but the boats had all left and it was too late in
the day to visit, so basically we have been chilling since then. Dan and I
checked out the fort in the town (overlooking the city and the river) which was
interesting and old (but not really the fort like thing I was expecting). It
was really quite tranquil and relaxing there. At one point we even saw this
mega ant apparently called a soldier ant that was like 5x bigger than the
normal red/brown ants (and is in my opinion the Achilles of the ant army just
waiting to wreck some other ant’s day). It was hilarious as this monster would
just walk around towering above the other ants (the smaller ants could walk
underneath this behemoth). Anyways I didn’t really do anything for the
afternoon except design this monster of a project for my dad. Basically he
wanted a way to control the taillights (have them blink pretty fast then go
solid when the pedal is pressed). Basically I spent like 3 hours designing the
heck out of the circuit (and ended up with a design that uses a decade counter,
two 555 timers, some transistors, NOT gates, a 12 V relay and an SR latch). It’s
pretty cool in my opinion, although I have no idea if it will work (and it
probably won’t with my luck), but anyways it looks legit and I am looking
forward to trying it out. The big man even likes the circuit, although he wants
complete plug and play which is going to be a bit difficult, but I think I can
modify it to work. After that I then thought of using just a PICAXE and a 5V
relay (with a 7805 regulator to drop to the 5V for the PICAXE) (only costs like
$10 for all of that and it’s done). Anyways I’ll have to see when I actually
get the chance to build the circuit. After that I was getting rushed into
leaving for this party at the Champra. It would have been cool to actually go
to the Champra right away, but we ended up at the shindig from last Friday that
was rescheduled due to the rain last Friday. Anyways it seemed to start okay
with some hip hop dancers (3) and then it just got weirder and sketchier from
there. Basically I think most of the show was about dudes in drag lip-syncing
high pitched Spanish songs (It was exactly and more so sketchy as it sounds).
THE HIP HOP DANCERS. There also was a really bad juggler (who kept dropping his
objects and asking for applause after only juggling for like 10 seconds. Anyways
after the show we were going to the Champra, but I was really hungry (last time
I had eaten was like 10 AM and it was 10 PM), so Sol (host mother), Esmeralda
(host sister), Dan, Gabriella (younger host sister) and Esmeralda’s cousin and
I went to get food, but only Sol and I actually ate anything (I had this good
chicken, gallo pinto and some plantains. It was good. After that we basically
went to the Champra and danced until 2 in the morning and came back. The
Champra is a cool place with a dance floor in the center that people can walk around
basically the entire part and chill with tables and two bars there. It was a
ton of fun and I got to dance some club style and some salsa. We came back and
had to break into the hostel as Sol and Luis (host dad) were both back asleep
(only Esmeralda, her cousin, Dan and I had stayed until 2 (Gabriella wasn’t
allowed in)). This consisted of me climbing the font to the open balcony on the
second floor and then trying the door which was locked in two places (so then I
had to help hoist the others (from through the window bars) to the second floor
and it worked). Then we all peaced and slept.
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